Could you introduce yourself?
“My name is Jolanda Bijl, I’m 54 years old and I live in Delft. Ten years ago, I was diagnosed with arthritis. I’ve had painful joints for a long time. That’s why I wear finger splints now.”
When did you get your first finger splints?
“July of last year. My fingers were so bad, the doctor recommended wearing rings to alleviate the pain in my knuckles, and to make it easier to use them. After going to the Reinier Haga Orthopaedic Clinic (RHOC) in Zoetermeer, I was able to go straight from my doctor’s appointment to Manometric for a consultation at the same location.”
How did the splints impact your work?
“I work in home care services. Doing things like helping people into or out of compression stockings puts quite a strain on my knuckles. My fingers aren’t steady enough. But it’s much easier to do with these rings on. They prevent me from working through the pain, so I don’t overexert them. At first, I was afraid I might hurt people with the rings on, but that wasn’t the case at all. Most people don’t even notice I’m wearing them.”

Are there other activities that the finger splints have made easier?
“Yes: for example, at times I wasn’t able to cut through meat. When you cut something, your index finger puts pressure on the knife or fork. And that puts a strain on your knuckles. Luckily, the rings provide extra support. They hold back my finger on the top and take the pressure off the knuckle. Now, with the rings I can cut, and chop, and cook to my heart’s content. It’s something I enjoy very much.”
You had important alterations made to your rings. Why was that?
“I often lost my rings, when I took off my gloves or threw out a bag. Thankfully I’d find them again, but the fourth time around, I really lost them. So now, I have a ring with an extra ring around it with an open piece. When I want to take it off, I can squeeze it open and shut. Now it’s easy: I can just wear them without losing them.”
I see that you also have silver rings. How do you like that material?
“I actually think they look beautiful. I’ve even received compliments about them! People don’t even realise what the rings are for. They assume that I just choose to wear them. Recently, I was at the jewellery store and they commented on how pretty my rings were. When I said they had a medical purpose, they told me that other people buy rings like this too. So I suppose they are in fashion. I don’t mind wearing them at all. They’re not too heavy, either. I wear them 24 hours a day, and I can’t go without them. I had to take them off for one day so they could be altered. And I certainly felt the difference. I was glad to have them back. They really enable me to live my daily life.”
And finally, how has your experience been with Manometric?
“My experience with Manometric has been great. The rings were ready within two weeks, and if I felt they were too tight or too loose, I could ring them up at any time. The first time I put the rings on, they weren’t quite comfortable. One phone call and they told me I could come in right away for the alterations. It was no trouble at all. And these rings are actually essential for me. So I was very pleased to have them altered immediately. That’s amazing service!”
– April 2022 – From Manometric Magazine 1